
  • St Edward's Art Week 2022

    What an amazing Art Week it has been for the children at St Edward's! The theme for the entire school was printing. Taking photos of the children focused and on task was a privilege. The concentration and enthusiasm were palpable.
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  • St Edward's Rocks Out!

    Did you notice your child was more excitable Tuesday evening? Apologies, that might have something to do with Rocksteady! On Tuesday 22 nd February your child got a taste of what it’s like to perform in a rock band . Tim from Rocksteady taught us how to rock out as a school and created rock stars out of our children to perform as a band with an audience!
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  • St Antony’s Building Bridges with Communities in Newham

    As part of the Our Lady of Grace Catholic Academy Trust, joint Citizenship project, inspired by Pope Francis, the children at St Antony’s have been collecting food for the St Martin’s Church foodbank.
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  • St Joachim's School Council Visit the Refugee and Migrant Project. (RAMP)

    St Joachim's School Council representatives went on a visit to The Refugee and Migrant Project (RAMP) as part of the OLOG Citizenship project on Building Bridges. They went to see how they operate and learn about their special work supporting the most needy people in our society. This is the charity which St Joachim's have traditionally supported by donating their Harvest Festival collection to them. The children were able to gain an insight on what services they offer to refugees and migrants.
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  • St Joachim’s Classic Poetry Project 2022

    On the last week of January saw the conclusion of St Joachim’s annual Classic Poetry Project – an English project which is focussed on reading, analysing, and reciting classic poems. On Friday 21st January children from Reception to Year 6 came together to celebrate the project with class recitals of famous poems such as The Charge of the Light Brigade, by Alfred Lord Tennyson; which were of the highest standard. It was a delight to welcome so many parents to the celebration assembly as it was fantastic for the children to have such a large and appreciative audience. Children from Reception to Year 6 all recited their poems with great enthusiasm and joy. There were some particularly powerful recitals, and all the children had learnt their class poem off by heart.
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  • Holocaust Memorial Day 2022

    Representatives from St Joachim's and St Helen's attend the Newham Holocaust Memorial Day at the Old Town Hall in Stratford. The  theme for Holocaust Memorial Day 2022 is One Day
    One Day – 27 January –  is a day that we put aside every year to come together to remember, to learn about the Holocaust, Nazi Persecution and the genocides that followed in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur, in the hope that there may be One Day in the future with no genocide. We learn more about the past, we empathise with others today, and we take action for a better future.
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  • Architecture in Schools at St Francis’ – Working in Our Community

    Year 5 , at St Francis’, took part in an exciting project called ‘Architecture in Schools’. The project aimed to get the children thinking about the architecture around them and how it can be made more sustainable. The children worked with professional architects to design their own building, using many problem solving skills as well as learning about our local area. They visited the Olympic Park with professional architects and viewed the architecture around Stratford New Town, visited Chobham Academy (which the architects involved designed) before making their own models.
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  • 30th Anniversary of the Jolly Christmas Postman

    Mark, a postman of thirty years, went to St Helen’s in Plaistow to read the story to a class of children. The Jolly Christmas Postman, written by the Allan and Janet Ahlberg, has been a Christmas favourite for 30 years.   All the children featured also received a copy of the book thanks to Puffin Books.
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  • St Antony's- Dot Dot Fire Financial Literacy

    Bring financial literacy to your classroom.
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  • Supporting Parish Communities

    Staff at St Helen’s volunteered to host the Parish Christmas Lunch. This was put on for the pensioners and Sisters in our community. After a 3 course meal, they enjoyed singing and dancing as well as a game of bingo.
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